Displaying 247 documents
Type Board Rules
General Functions
Type Name Type Status Effective Date Description View or Download
District Board of Trustees as a Body Corporate Board Rules Current Rule establishes, consistent with Florida Law, the official name of the College’s Governing Board and establishes its status as a Body Corporate. br1010.pdf
Duties and Powers, District Board of Trustees Board Rules Current Rule establishes the duties and powers of the District Board of Trustees br1020.pdf
Reports of Annual Meetings of the District Board of Trustees Board Rules Rescinded rescinded board rule
Meetings of the District Board of Trustees Board Rules Current Rule regarding meetings and procedures of meetings br1040.pdf
Quorum of the Board of Trustees Board Rules Rescinded rescinded board rule
Parliamentary Procedure Board Rules Rescinded rescinded board rule
Official Agenda of Business for Meetings of the District Board of Trustees Board Rules Current Rule establishes the official agenda of business for meetings of Pasco Hernando Community College’s District Board of Trustees br1070.pdf
Rules of the District Board of Trustees Board Rules Current College's policy regarding the development, adoption, amendment, implementation, and repeal of its Board Rules br1080.pdf
Legal Counsel Board Rules Current Rule establishes Board policy relating to the retention of legal counsel. br1091.pdf
District Board of Trustees: Appointment, Length of Term, Errors and Omissions Insurance, and Grounds for Dismissal Board Rules Current Rule reaffirms the manner in which members of the District Board of Trustees of Pasco-Hernando State College are appointed br1100.pdf
Conducting Official College Business by the Board, Citizen Involvement Board Rules Current Board policy relating to the role of the Board in official College business, including hearings of citizens and petitions and challenges to Board action br111.pdf
Delegation of Responsibilities and General Powers to the President Board Rules Current Board policy regarding the delegation of responsibilities and general powers to the President br1121.pdf
Powers, Duties, and Responsibilities of the President Board Rules Current Board policy regarding the powers, duties, and responsibilities of the President br1130.pdf
President's Authority to Sign Contracts and Agreements Board Rules Current Board policy relating to the President’s authority to sign contracts and agreements on behalf of the Board br1140.pdf
Succession to Presidential Authority and Responsibilities Board Rules Current Board policy relating to the succession to Presidential authority and responsibilities br115.pdf
College Vision Statement and Mission Statement Board Rules Current Rule establishes the Vision Statement and Mission Statement of Pasco-Hernando State College br116.pdf
College Objectives - Mission Statement Board Rules Rescinded rescinded board rule
District-wide Service Board Rules Current Board policy relating to district-wide services of the College br1180.pdf
College Seal Board Rules Current Rule establishes the official seal of Pasco-Hernando State College br1190.pdf
College Colors Board Rules Current Rule establishes the official colors of the College to be used in marketing, advertising, publications and other applicable uses br1200.pdf
College Catalog/Student Handbook Board Rules Current Board policy for the issuance, approval and amendment of the College Catalog/Student Handbook br121.pdf
College Calendar Board Rules Current Board policy regarding the College’s calendar br1220.pdf
Year-Round Operation Board Rules Current Board policy regarding the year-round operation of the institution br1230.pdf
College Accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) Board Rules Current Board policy regarding accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) br1240.pdf
Safety and Emergency Plans Board Rules Current Board policy relating to safety and emergency plans at the College br1250.pdf
Bonding of Employees and Contractors Board Rules Rescinded rescinded board rule
Official College Forms Board Rules Current Board policy regarding official College forms br1270.pdf
Employment, Dismissal, and Evaluation of the College President Board Rules Current Board policy regarding the employment, dismissal and evaluation of the College President br1280.pdf
Copyright Compliance Board Rules Current Board policy regarding copyright compliance br12900.pdf
Right to Know Law Board Rules Current Board policy regarding compliance with federal and state laws regarding information provided to employees about hazardous substances in the workplace br1300.pdf
Management of College Records Board Rules Current Board policy regarding the management of College records br1311.pdf
Unauthorized Use of College Identifiers Board Rules Current Board policy prohibiting the unauthorized use of the College name br1320.pdf
Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Measures Board Rules Current Board Policy on measures to prevent and respond to sexual assaults involving students, employees, volunteers, and visitors br1330.pdf
Electronic Communications and Voice Mail Policy Board Rules Current Board policy relating to the purpose and use of electronic and voice mail systems belonging to the College br1340.pdf
Notification of Registered Sexual Offenders/Predators Board Rules Current Board policy relating to notification to the College community regarding registered sexual offenders or predators br1350.pdf
Workplace Violence Board Rules Current Board policy regarding the prevention, reporting and response to violence in the workplace br1360.pdf
Public Lectures, Displays, Exhibits, and Presentations Board Rules Current Board policy regarding public lectures, displays, exhibits, and presentations br1370.pdf
Intellectual Property Board Rules Current Board policy regarding intellectual property br1380.pdf
Social Media Policy Board Rules Current Board policy relating to the use of social media platforms by students, faculty and staff at Pasco-Hernando State College br139.pdf
Student Representative to the District Board of Trustees Board Rules Current Establish policy for a Pasco-Hernando State College (PHSC) student to serve as a non-voting representative on the College's District Board of Trustees (DBOT). br140.pdf
Free Speech and Assembly Board Rules Current Establishes Board policy relating to free speech and assembly in outdoor areas of PHSC campuses br141.pdf
Type Name Type Status Effective Date Description View or Download
Approval of Employment Board Rules Current Board policy regarding the approval of employment br2011.pdf
Position Vacancies Board Rules Rescinded rescinded board rule
Release of Rosters of College Personnel Board Rules Current Board policy relating to the release of rosters of College Personnel br2030.pdf
Employee Duties and Responsibilities Board Rules Current Board policy relating to expected employee performance br2040.pdf
Assignment and Reassignment of College Personnel Board Rules Current Board policy for the assignment and reassignment of its personnel br2050.pdf
Equal Access-Equal Opportunity Employment Board Rules Current Board policy regarding equal access and equal opportunity employment br2060.pdf
Equal Access Equal Opportunity Board Rules Current Board policy for non-discrimination in admission to the College br2070.pdf
Required Employee Records Board Rules Current Board policy relating to records required to be provided to, and maintained by, the College for all employees br2080.pdf
Personnel Records Board Rules Rescinded rescinded board rule
Performance Evaluations Board Rules Current Board policy regarding performance evaluations of its employees br2090.pdf
Medical, Psychological Examination and Alcohol/Drug Testing of Employees Board Rules Current Board policy as it relates to medical or psychological examinations and/or alcohol/drug testing of employees br2100.pdf
Personal Obligations of Employees Board Rules Rescinded rescinded board rule
Leave of Absence Board Rules Current Board Policy related to employee leaves of absence br2120.pdf
Temporary Duty Board Rules Current Board policy relating to temporary duty for employees br21210.pdf
Authority for Sick Leave Board Rules Current Board policy relating to employee use of sick leave br2130.pdf
Verification of Sick Leave Board Rules Rescinded rescinded board rule
Administration of Sick Leave with Compensation Board Rules Current Board policy for the accrual and use of sick and personal leave with compensation br215-0.pdf
Illness or Injury -In-The-Line-of-Duty Leave Board Rules Current Board policy for leave related to illness or injury sustained during the performance of assigned job duties br21510.pdf
Sick Leave Pool Board Rules Current Board policy regarding an employee sick leave pool br21520.pdf
Military Leave Board Rules Current Board policy regarding Military Leave for employees br2160.pdf
Extent of Leave Board Rules Rescinded rescinded board rule
Leave Without Pay Board Rules Rescinded rescinded board rule
Sabbatical Leave and Professional Leave Board Rules Current Rule defines the Board’s policy regarding Sabbatical Leave and Professional Leave br21720.pdf
Eligibility for Approved Holiday Pay Board Rules Current Board policy regarding an employee’s eligibility for approved holiday pay br21730.pdf
Maternity Leave Board Rules Rescinded rescinded board rule
Vacation Leave Board Rules Current Board policy relating to eligibility of College employees for accrual, carry-over and payment of accumulated vacation leave br219.pdf
Family and Medical Leave Act Board Rules Current Board policy for the administration of the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act br2191.pdf
Court Related Leave Board Rules Current Board policy regarding employee leave for Court related purposes br2200.pdf
Other Absences Board Rules Rescinded rescinded board rule
Records of Absence Board Rules Rescinded rescinded board rule
Dismissal, Return to Annual Contract - Continuing Contract Personnel Board Rules Current Board’s policy regarding the dismissal of personnel on continuing contract and the return of employees on continuing contract to annual contract br2230.pdf
Suspension or Dismissal of Contract Employees During the Year Board Rules Rescinded rescinded board rule
Criteria for Suspension or Dismissal of Employees Board Rules Current Board policy relating to the suspension or dismissal of employees br2240.pdf
Disruptive Activities Employees Board Rules Rescinded rescinded board rule
Personnel Definitions Board Rules Current Rule establishes personnel definitions used to describe the types and conditions of employment by the Board br2260.pdf
Criteria for Instructional Ranks and Pay Levels of Instructional Personnel Board Rules Current Board policy relating to instructional ranks and pay levels for instructional Personnel br2270.pdf
Criteria for Appointment to Instructional Salary Schedule Board Rules Current Board policy and criteria for appointment to the instructional salary schedule br2280.pdf
Classification and Pay Plans for Personnel Board Rules Current Board policy for the classification and pay plans for College personnel br2290.pdf
Duty Hours for Instructional Personnel Board Rules Current Board policy regarding the duty hours for instructional personnel br230.pdf
Tutorial Services Board Rules Rescinded rescinded board rule
Changes in Pay Level and Instructional Rank for Instructional Personnel Board Rules Rescinded rescinded board rule
Outside Employment and Consulting Services Board Rules Current Board policy regarding outside employment and consulting services performed by full-time employees of the College br2330.pdf
Contract Notification and Acceptance Board Rules Rescinded rescinded board rule
Non-Issuance of Annual Contract Board Rules Current Board policy regarding the non-issuance of annual contracts to employees br2350.pdf
Supplemental Instructional Contracts and Waiver Requests Board Rules Current Board policy regarding supplemental instructional contracts and waiver requests br2360.pdf
Compensation for Preparing Credit-By Examination Tests Board Rules Current Board policy for compensating individuals who prepare credit-by-examination tests br2371.pdf
Institutional Definitions of "Year of Service," "Workweek," and "Work Day" Used to Determine Service for Work Credit Board Rules Current Rule provides the Board’s institutional definitions of “year of service”, “work week”, and “work day” br2380.pdf
Resolution of Employment/Applicant Grievances Board Rules Current Provides procedure to address grievances for employees and applicants for employment and to secure, at the lowest possible level, resolutions to employee/applicant grievances, and to guarantee an orderly process by which these resolutions may be pursued br2390.pdf
Resignation/Retirement Board Rules Current Board policy as to the resignation of an employee br2400.pdf
Nepotism Board Rules Current Board policy concerning nepotism br2410.pdf
Political Involvement Board Rules Current Board policy concerning employees who may be involved or become involved in a political campaign br2420.pdf
Conflict of Interest Board Rules Current Rule establishes a conflict of interest policy for the District Board of Trustees and employees of Pasco-Hernando Community College br2430.pdf
Endorsement of Products or Services Board Rules Current Board policy relating to endorsement of products in the name of the College br2440.pdf
Acceptance of Gifts Board Rules Current Board’s policy regarding the acceptance of gifts by members of the District Board of Trustees and its employees br2450.pdf
Release of Employee Information Board Rules Current Board policy concerning the type of employee information that can be released for credit or other purposes br2460.pdf
Filing of "Statement of Financial Interests" Form Board Rules Current Board Rule to identify those persons within the College who must file Financial Disclosure Statements in accordance with Florida Law br2470.pdf
Unemployment Compensation Board Rules Rescinded rescinded board rule
Ethical Behavior and the Reporting of Suspected Misconduct, Fraud or Other Illegal Acts in the Workplace Board Rules Current Board Rule is to formalizes PHSC’s code of conduct for all College employees and requires that verifiable misconduct or other inappropriate behavior be reported br2491.pdf
Volunteer Services and Services Compensated by other Agencies, Businesses, and Organizations Board Rules Current Board policy regarding volunteer services and services compensated by other agencies, businesses, and organizations br2500.pdf
Classification Plan Board Rules Rescinded rescinded board rule
Consideration of Qualified Employees for Advertised Vacancies Board Rules Current Board policy regarding the consideration of qualified employees for advertised vacancies br2520.pdf
Payment of Accumulated Sick Leave Upon Separation or Death Board Rules Current Board policy for the payment of accumulated leave sick leave to eligible employees upon separation from PHSC or death br253.pdf
Payment of Accumulated Vacation (Annual) Leave to Eligible Employees Electing to Participate in the Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP) Board Rules Current Board policy for the payment of accumulated vacation(annual ) leave to employees who are eligible to enter the Florida Retirement Systems Deferred Retirement Option Plan br25310.pdf
Disability Board Rules Rescinded rescinded board rule
Employment Contracts for Full Time Faculty Board Rules Current Rule establishes the District Board of Trustees policy for employment contracts for full-time faculty br2550.pdf
Requirements for Certification and Re-Certification Board Rules Current Board policy regarding its requirements for certification and re-certification of designated personnel br25510.pdf
Educational and Workplace Harassment Board Rules Current Board policy concerning harassment in the workplace and in educational programs or activities with definitions that define what is considered harassment in accordance with Federal and State Laws and Rules br256.pdf
Extended Medical Leave Board Rules Current Rule establishes policy related to extended medical leave br2570.pdf
Possession, Distribution, and Consumption of Alcohol and Drugs by Employees Board Rules Current Board policy regarding the possession, distribution, & consumption of alcohol or drugs on campus or College-sponsored e illegal controlled substances by employees while on the college premises or while engaged in College-sponsored events. br258.pdf
Disciplinary Action Board Rules Current Board policy concerning the types of disciplinary actions supervisors may take towards employees due to violations of Federal, State, and College rules or regulations br259.pdf
Workplace Drug-Testing Policy Board Rules Rescinded rescinded board rule
Community College Optional Retirement Program (CCORP) Board Rules Current Board policy relating to the Community College Optional Retirement Program (CCORP) br2610.pdf
Course Banking for Faculty Board Rules Rescinded rescinded board rule
Overtime Work by Employees Board Rules Current Board policy regarding compensation for employees for overtime work in compliance with the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act br263.pdf
Reduction in Force Board Rules Current Board policy for necessary reductions in workforce br2640.pdf
Information Security Board Rules Current Board policy concerning security of confidential personal information br2650.pdf
Employee Background Checks Board Rules Current Board policy regarding criminal background checks on College employees br2660.pdf
Faculty and Administrators Emeriti Board Rules Current Board policy regarding the awarding of faculty and administrator emeriti status to qualified employees br2670.pdf
Adjunct Faculty Contracts Board Rules Current Board policy regarding adjunct faculty contracts br2680.pdf
Curriculum and Instruction
Type Name Type Status Effective Date Description View or Download
Degree Programs and Advanced Technical Certificates Board Rules Rescinded rescinded board rule
Instruction and Awards Board Rules Current Board policy regarding instruction and awards br3010.pdf
Non-Credit Courses Board Rules Current Board policy regarding non-credit courses to be available at the College br3030.pdf
Academic Freedom Board Rules Current Board policy in support of academic freedom for the College’s faculty and students br3040.pdf
Faculty Teaching Load Board Rules Current Board policy regarding the teaching load of College faculty br3060.pdf
Faculty Teaching Loads and Supplemental Contract Payments Board Rules Current Board policy regarding faculty teaching loads and supplemental contract payments br3070.pdf
Technical Advisory and General Advisory Committees Board Rules Current Board policy regarding the primary duties, responsibilities, and terms for the College’s technical advisory committees and general advisory committees br3080.pdf
Academic Field Trips Board Rules Current Board policy regarding academic field trips br3100.pdf
Acceptance of Transfer Credit Board Rules Current Board policy regarding the College’s acceptance of transfer credit br3120.pdf
Registration, Drop/Add and Withdrawal Dates Board Rules Current Board policy regarding the College’s registration, drop/add and withdrawal dates br3130.pdf
Grading System Board Rules Current Rule establishes and verifies Board policy for awarding grades at Pasco-Hernando State College br314.pdf
Grade Reports Board Rules Current Board Policy regarding grade reports br3150.pdf
Student Withdrawal from Courses/Change to Audit Status, Grade Forgiveness, and Allowable Number of Course Attempts Board Rules Current Board policy regarding student withdrawal from courses,/change to audit status, grade forgiveness, and allowable number of course attempts br3160.pdf
Credit-By-Examination Tests Board Rules Deleted Board policy regarding credit-by-examination tests
Directed/Independent Study Board Rules Current Board policy regarding Directed/Independent Study br3180.pdf
Program/Course Prerequisites and Course Substitutions Board Rules Current Board policy regarding the waiver of prerequisite courses or course substitutions br3200.pdf
Acceleration Mechanisms for Program Completion Board Rules Current Board policy regarding acceleration mechanisms for program completion br3210.pdf
Academic Honors Board Rules Current Board policy regarding academic honors br323.pdf
Transfer Between Communication and Computation Courses Board Rules Current Board policy for the adjustment of student courses of study in appropriate circumstances br3250.pdf
College-Level Academic Skills (CLAS) Requirements Board Rules Deleted Board policy regarding College-Level Academic Skills (CLAS) requirements br3280.pdf
Communication and Computation Requirements (Gordon Rule) Board Rules Current Board policy regarding communication and computation requirements at Pasco-Hernando State College br3290.pdf
Common Placement Testing and Basic Skills Requirements Board Rules Current Board policy regarding common placement testing and basic skills requirements for post-secondary career and technical certificate education br3300.pdf
College Preparatory Remediation Alternatives Board Rules Deleted Board policy regarding college preparatory remediation alternatives br333.pdf
Textbook Adoption and Affordability Board Rules Current Board policy regarding textbook adoption and affordability in compliance with Florida Statutes br3350.pdf
Definitions of Credit Hours Board Rules Current Board policy regarding its definitions of credit hour(s) br3360.pdf
Physical Facilities
Type Name Type Status Effective Date Description View or Download
Advertising, Bidding and Awarding Contracts for Construction or Improvement of Facilities Board Rules Current Board policy regarding to the advertising, bidding and awarding of contracts for construction related activities br401.pdf
Bonding of Contractors Board Rules Current Board policy relating to the bonding of contractors and other providers of construction services br4020.pdf
Selecting Professional Services for Construction Board Rules Current Board's policy relating to the selection of professionals for services related to construction br403.pdf
Construction Change Orders Board Rules Current Board policy relating to the submission and approval of change order to construction contracts and to delegate authority for certain approvals to the President br404.pdf
Sanitation and Maintenance Board Rules Current Board policy relating to the responsibility for ensuing proper sanitation and maintenance of all College facilities, periodic inspections and reports to the Board br4050.pdf
Smoke and Tobacco Free College Board Rules Current Board policy relating to the use of tobacco or related products on College property br4060.pdf
Use of College Equipment/Property Board Rules Current Board policy relating to the use of College owned and controlled property/equipment br4070.pdf
Construction Contracts and Payments Board Rules Current Board policy relating to construction contracts and payments br410.pdf
Traffic and Parking Requlations Board Rules Current Rule provides regulations for parking and traffic on all College property br4111.pdf
Official Hours of College Operations and Unauthorized Trespass Board Rules Current Rule establishes the official hours of operation of the College and unauthorized trespass br412.pdf
Allocation of Information Technology Board Rules Current Board policy regarding allocation of information technology br4131.pdf
Business Services
Type Name Type Status Effective Date Description View or Download
Business Management - General Board Rules Current Board policy relating to general business management practices at the College br5011.pdf
Expenditures Board Rules Current Board policy relating to expenditures of College funds br5021.pdf
Bidding Policy Board Rules Current Board policy relating to bidding for purchases br5040.pdf
Insurance and Bonding of College Employees Board Rules Current Board policy regarding the protection of the College by providing insurance and/or bonds for employees to cover any potential risk for loss br5050.pdf
Workers' Compensation Insurance Board Rules Current Board Policy regarding the availability of workers compensation insurance br5060.pdf
Refunds of Student Tuition and Fees Board Rules Current Board policy regarding refunds of student tuition and fees. br5081.pdf
Collection of Money from Students Board Rules Current Board policy regarding the collection of money from students br51100.pdf
Returned Checks Board Rules Current Board policy for the collection and prosecution of returned checks br5120.pdf
Donations of Gifts to the College Board Rules Current Board policy relating to the acceptance of gifts to the College, criteria for addition to the permanent inventory of the College and transfer to the College’s foundation br5130.pdf
Facsimile Signatures Board Rules Current Board policy for the use of facsimile signatures br5140.pdf
Property Records Board Rules Current Board policy relating to records of property belonging to the College br515.pdf
Employee Loss of College Property Board Rules Current Rule establishes a policy for addressing the loss of College property by employees br5161.pdf
Disposing and Donation of College Property Board Rules Current Rule establishes a policy regarding the disposal and donation of surplus College property br517.pdf
Petty Cash Fund/Change Fund/Stamp Fund Board Rules Current Board policy relating to the creation and maintenance of a petty cash funds, change funds, and stamp funds br5200.pdf
Budget and Budget Amendments Board Rules Current Board policy regarding the operating budget and amendments br5250.pdf
Investments of Funds Board Rules Current Board policy relating to the investment of College funds br5260.pdf
Bank Depositories Board Rules Current Board policy relating to the selection and use of bank depositories for College funds br527.pdf
Staff and Program Development Funds Board Rules Current Board policy regarding the funding for professional development of the College’s staff as well as the development of its programs br5280.pdf
Use of Auxiliary Enterprises Funds and Undesignated Gifts Board Rules Current Board policy related to the use of auxiliary enterprise funds and undesignated gifts br5290.pdf
Retirement Annuity/Deferred Compensation Board Rules Current Board policy authorizing payroll deduction for one retirement annuity and one deferred compensation plan per employee br5311.pdf
Authorized Payroll Deductions and Electronic Deposits of Payroll Board Rules Current Board policy relating to authorized payroll deductions and electronic transfer of paychecks br5321.pdf
Reimbursement for Tuition for Full-Time and Regular Part-Time Employees Board Rules Current Board’s policy regarding the reimbursement of tuition for the College’s full-time and regular part-time employees br533.pdf
Official College Travel Board Rules Current Board policy governing official college travel by College authorized representatives and employees br5340.pdf
Funds for Student Activities Board Rules Current Board policy for the budgeting of student activity fees and management of student club/organization fundraising accounts br5350.pdf
Delinquent Accounts Board Rules Current Board policy relating to the collection and write off of delinquent accounts br5360.pdf
Approval and Control of Grants and Contracts Board Rules Current Board policy relating to the approval and control of grants and related contracts br5380.pdf
Mail Service Board Rules Current Board policy relating to mail service for the College br5420.pdf
Auxiliary Enterprises Board Rules Current Board policy regarding the operation of Auxiliary Enterprises br5450.pdf
Scholarship Fund Board Rules Current Board policy for transferring scholarship funds br5470.pdf
Identity Theft Prevention Program Board Rules Current Board policy regarding the development and implementation of the College’s identity theft prevention program br5490.pdf
Student Services
Type Name Type Status Effective Date Description View or Download
Student Admission to the College Board Rules Current Board policy regarding the process for student admission to the College br6010.pdf
Classification of Students Board Rules Current Board policy regarding the classification of students br6021.pdf
Student Fees Board Rules Current Board policy relating to student fees br6030.pdf
Florida Residents for Purposes of Assessing Student Fees Board Rules Current Board policy relating to residency for purposes of assessing student fees br6040.pdf
Financial Aid Board Rules Current Board policy regarding Financial Aid br6050.pdf
Financial Aid Budget Board Rules Current Board policy regarding preparation of a financial aid budget br6060.pdf
Exemptions and Student Fee Waivers Student Board Rules Current Board policy regarding exemptions and student fee waivers br6070.pdf
Deferment of Fees for Veterans Board Rules Current Board policy for the deferment of fees for Veterans br6080.pdf
Standards of Academic Progress Board Rules Current Board policy relating to standards of academic progress for students of Pasco-Hernando State College br609.pdf
Official Student Records Board Rules Current Board policy regarding official student records br6100.pdf
Privacy of Student Records Board Rules Current Board’s policy regarding privacy of student records br6110.pdf
Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Policy Board Rules Current This Board Rule is to establish the Pasco-Hernando State College Code of Student Conduct and Student Disciplinary Policy. br613.pdf
Student Suspension and Dismissal - Limited Access Programs Board Rules Current Board policy relating to the dismissal of students from limited access programs at the College br6150.pdf
Loitering or Soliciting on College Property Board Rules Current Board policy relating to loitering and solicitation at College campuses and teaching locations br6160.pdf
Class Attendance and "No Show" Placeholder Grades Board Rules Current Board policy regarding class attendance and “No Show” placeholder grades br6180.pdf
Fund-Raising Activities Board Rules Current Board policy for fund-raising activities that are internal to Pasco-Hernando State College br6201.pdf
Emergency Notification of Students Board Rules Current Board’s policy regarding emergency notification of students br62100.pdf
Medical Services for Students Board Rules Current Board policy regarding medical services for students br6220.pdf
Student Housing Board Rules Current Board policy relating to student housing br6230.pdf
Student Publications Board Rules Current Board policy relating to the establishment and funding of student publications br6240.pdf
International Students Board Rules Current Board policy regarding admissions of International Students br6250.pdf
Veteran Progress and Probation Board Rules Current Board policy regarding academic progress of students receiving veteran’s benefits br6260.pdf
Consequences of Students' Unmet Financial Obligations Board Rules Current Board policy regarding the consequences of students’ unmet financial obligations br6270.pdf
Student Grievance Policy Board Rules Current Board policy regarding the College’s student grievance policy br629.pdf
Associate in Arts Degree Eligibility Board Rules Current Board policy regarding Associate in Arts Degree eligibility br6300.pdf
Administration of Student Repayments of Federal Title IV Financial Aid Board Rules Current Board policy regarding administration of student repayments for federal Title IV Financial Aid br6311.pdf
Chartering of and Suspension of a Student Club/Organization Board Rules Current Board policy for the approval, suspension, and dissolution of student clubs and organizations at Pasco-Hernando State College br6320.pdf
Anti-hazing Policy Board Rules Current Rule to prohibit conduct defined as hazing activities, establish the College’s process of communicating this information to students and establish policy for addressing alleged hazing incidents br634.pdf
Educational Equity Board Rules Current Board policy regarding equal access to and equal opportunity in admission to Pasco-Hernando State College programs br635.pdf
Acquired Immune Deficiency (AIDS) Policy Board Rules Current Board Policy for students and employees with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), AIDS Related Complex (ARC) and/or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) br6360.pdf
Observance of Religious Holidays Board Rules Current Board Policy on the observance of religious holidays br6370.pdf
Deferment of Tuition, Fees, and Payment for Books for Recipients of Federal or State Financial Aid Board Rules Current Board policy regarding the deferring payment for tuition, fees, and books for students eligible to receive federal or state financial aid br6380.pdf
Drug and Alcohol Abuse by Students Board Rules Current Board policy prohibiting the use, possession or sale of alcohol or drugs by Students on College property or at College sponsored activities br6391.pdf
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Board Rules Current Rule establishes Board Policy on accommodations for students with disabilities br6401.pdf
Student Ombudsman Board Rules Current Board policy regarding student ombudsman services for students br6410.pdf
Travel for Athletic Teams and Student Organizations Board Rules Current Board policy relating to travel for athletic teams and student organizations br6420.pdf
Financial Aid Standards of Academic Progress Board Rules Current Board policy relating to Financial Aid Standards of Academic Progress br6430.pdf
Community Relations
Type Name Type Status Effective Date Description View or Download
College Direct-Support Organization Board Rules Current Rule recognizes and certifies the Direct Support Organization of the College as authorized by Florida Statutes and to establish minimum requirements for operation of that organization br701.pdf
Alumni Association Board Rules Current Board authorizes President, or a designee, to establish an Alumni Association and to provide support for the Association from General Current Funds br7020.pdf
Publications Board Rules Current Board Policy regarding the content and design of Pasco-Hernando State College’s official publications br7030.pdf
Release of Official Information Board Rules Current Board policy regarding release of official information br7040.pdf
Naming of College Facilities Board Rules Current Board policy relating to the naming of College facilities br706.pdf
College Catalog
Type Name Type Status Description View or Download
College Catalog (published separately) Board Rules Current This board rule pertains to PHSC's online College Catalog and Student Handbook which is published on a separate website as described in this document. br80-link-to-phsc-college-catalog.pdf
Type General
Type Name Type Description View or Download
Economic Security Report of Employment and Earning Outcomes Memorandum General memorandum to Florida College System Presidents regarding the Economic Security Report of Employment and Earning Outcomes esereeo-report.pdf
Employee Social Security Number Use Chart General Notification of Legal Authority for Collection and Use of Applicant/Employee Social Security Numbers employee-ssn-use.pdf
Fact Book 2022-2023 General Fact Book 2022-2023 2022-2023-fact-book.pdf
List of Majors with Federal CIPS General List of Majors with Federal CIPS 2024-06-phsc-program-cip-codes.pdf
Program Review Guide - Administrative and Academic/Student Support Units General PHSC Administrative and Academic/Student Support Units Program Review Guide administrative-and-academic-and-student-support-units-program-review-guide.pdf
QEP Development and Implementation Committee List General PHSC 2020 Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) Committee List qep-development-implementation-committee-members09-19-edited2blm.pdf
SACSCOC Continuing Accreditation with BAS & BSN Letter January 19, 2016 General Continuing Accreditation with BAS & BSN Letter sacscoc-level-2-bas-bsn.pdf
SACSCOC Level II Membership Letter January 13, 2014 General SACSCOC Level II Membership Letter sacscoc-level-2-membership.pdf
SACSCOC Reaffirmation Letter September 18, 2020 General SACSCOC Reaffirmation Letter phsc-reaffirmation-2030.pdf
Strategic Plan 2021-2024 General Strategic Plan 2021-2024 11x85-strategic-plan-21-final-nocrop-pages.pdf
Student Social Security Number Use Chart General Notification of Legal Authority for Collection and Use of Student Social Security Numbers student-ssn-use.pdf
Type (IMM) Internal Management Memorandum
Type Name Type Description View or Download
Internal Management Memorandum 1-19 (IMM) Internal Management Memorandum Acceptable Use of College Technology Resources imm1-19.pdf
Internal Management Memorandum 6-3 (IMM) Internal Management Memorandum Guidelines for Conduct While Representing the College in College-Affiliated Activities Both On and Off-Campus imm6-3.pdf
Type Regulation
Type Name Type Description View or Download
List of Degrees and Graduates for Part 1 Regulation Pasco-Hernando State College Degree Program Credit Hour Requirements degrees-graduates-part-1.pdf
Student Achievement Regulation This information is provided in compliance with the requirements of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges. 2024-06-phsc-student-achievement.pdf
Student Right to Know Regulation The information is provided in compliance with the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. student-right-to-know.pdf
Type (DBOT) District Board of Trustees Agenda
Type Name Type Description View or Download
District Board of Trustees Agenda - June 2024 (DBOT) District Board of Trustees Agenda PHSC District Board of Trustees Agenda - June 2024 2024-06-dbot-agenda.pdf
Type Collective Bargaining
Type Name Type Description View or Download
Collective Bargaining Agreement 2020-2023 Collective Bargaining The United Faculty of Florida, Pasco-Hernando State College Chapter and the Pasco-Hernando State College Board of Trustees Collective Bargaining Agreement 2020-2023-collective-bargaining-agreement.pdf