BankMobile Disbursements Contract Disclosure

As part of a new Department of Education regulation governing Title IV disbursement, institutions are required to disclose the contract establishing the refund arrangement between the institution and the third-party servicer. Contained in the link below, you will find all legal documents related to PHSC’s refund arrangement with BankMobile Disbursements, a Division of Customers Bank.

View the BankMobile Disbursements Contract Disclosure in the Links on this page section.

Pasco-Hernando State College is committed to ensuring that the web and electronic communications on are accessible to individuals with disabilities. PHSC uses guidelines and standards of the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Levels A and AA. If you have a problem with accessing information on any webpage located on, please contact the Financial Services Department at 727-816-3481 or If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the College by calling the Florida Relay Service at 800-955-8771. PHSC will make reasonable efforts to address the accessibility issue as soon as possible. When contacting PHSC with any access issues, please Include the web address of the page you were on, and describe the problem you encountered. 
The Student Accessibility Services Office ensures equal access, accommodations, and services to its registered students with disabilities. PHSC contributes to the educational foundation of students with disabilities and supports full inclusion. Accessibility tools are provided to students with disabilities for successful learning experiences, and to be afforded the same opportunities as those without disabilities in a college setting.  The Student Accessibility Services Office may be reached by emailing or by phone at 727-816-3240.

Collective Bargaining Agreement

The United Faculty of Florida, Pasco-Hernando State College Chapter and the Pasco-Hernando State College Board of Trustees Collective Bargaining Agreement 2020-2023.

View the Collective Bargaining Agreement in the Related Documents section on this page.

Pasco-Hernando State College is committed to ensuring that the web and electronic communications on are accessible to individuals with disabilities. PHSC uses guidelines and standards of the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Levels A and AA. If you have a problem with accessing information on any webpage located on, please contact the Legal Services Department at 727-816-3746 or If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the College by calling the Florida Relay Service at 800-955-8771. PHSC will make reasonable efforts to address the accessibility issue as soon as possible. When contacting PHSC with any access issues, please Include the web address of the page you were on, and describe the problem you encountered. 
The Student Accessibility Services Office ensures equal access, accommodations, and services to its registered students with disabilities. PHSC contributes to the educational foundation of students with disabilities and supports full inclusion. Accessibility tools are provided to students with disabilities for successful learning experiences, and to be afforded the same opportunities as those without disabilities in a college setting.  The Student Accessibility Services Office may be reached by emailing or by phone at 727-816-3240.

Custodian of Public Records

Request for Public Records

For the convenience of the public, and for purposes of compliance with the requirements of Section 119.12, F.S., the Office of Policies and Governance is designated as the general Custodian of Public Records, specifically to receive written notices provided by public records requestors. To request records you may contact the Pasco-Hernando State College Custodian of Public Records.

Custodian of Public Records

Public records requests may be made in person, in writing, or by phone.

Pamela Nadolski, ACP, Advanced Certified Paralegal, Custodian of Public Records

Phone: 727-816-3746


Mail: Policies and Governance, Pasco-Hernando State College, West Campus, 10230 Ridge Road, New Port Richey, Florida, 34654; in person at the District Office located on PHSC West Campus in Building E.

Requests made by the media may be made by contacting the Office of Marketing and Communications at 727-816-3467 or

Mail: Office of Marketing and Communications, Pasco-Hernando State College, 10230 Ridge Road, New Port Richey, Florida, 34654

Pursuant to Section 119.12, F.S., prior to filing any civil action to enforce Florida’s public records laws, a public records requestor must provide written notice to the Custodian of Records identifying the public records request(s) at issue, at least five (5) business days before filing the civil action.

Pasco-Hernando State College, Office of Policies and Governance, Attn: Public Records Custodian, 10230 Ridge Road, New Port Richey, Florida 34654

Questions may be directed to the Office of Policies and Governance, at 727-816-3746.

Florida Public Records Act

Chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes is known as the Florida Public Records Act. Any person may request access to public records of Pasco-Hernando State College for any reason. The process of requesting, identifying and producing such records are subject to the provisions of Florida law and the policies adopted by the District Board of Trustees, Pasco-Hernando State College.

Florida law defines "public records" as: all documents, papers, letters, maps, books, tapes, photographs, films, sound recordings, data processing software or other material, regardless of physical form, or characteristics, or means of transmission, made or received pursuant to law or ordinance or in connection with the transaction of official business by any agency. State and federal laws exempt certain types of public records, or portions thereof, from disclosure under the public records law.

Exemptions that frequently apply to Pasco-Hernando State College records include but are not limited to:

  • Education records under FERPA
  • Social Security Number
  • Disciplinary records in certain cases
  • Personal information regarding certain public officers or their families
  • Academic evaluations of employees performance
  • Records of the College's direct-support organizations (DSO)

Documents that are public records but contain exempt information will be produced after removing the exempt information, unless the exempt information in the document is so extensive that removal is not feasible. The determination of which documents or information is exempt from the public records law will be made by the Office of Policies and Governance.

What constitutes a reasonable period of time depends upon the circumstances surrounding the request, including the nature of the request, the size of the request, the likely quantity of records to be produced, whether extensive use of information technology resources or clerical services are required, and the timing of the request and the College calendar.

If copies are made for the requestor there is a charge of:

  • $0.15 per page
  • $0.20 per double-sided copies

In addition to the duplications cost above, if retrieving or copying the public records requires extensive use of information technology resources or clerical and/or supervisory assistance, the College will assess a reasonable service charge based on the college's actual incurred costs. Reimbursement for these charges may be made to the department or unit that incurred the charge. An estimate of the charges will be given to the requestor prior to responding to the request. All charges will be collected before producing the requested documents. The College follows the 'Extensive Request' definition outlined in Section 119.07(4) (d), Florida Statute.

Economic Security Report of Employment and Earnings Outcomes

Briefly outlines the statutory requirement for each of the FCS institutions to provide students with electronic access to the Economic Security Report of Employment and Earning Outcomes prepared by the Department of Economic Opportunity prior to registration.

  • View the Memorandum in the Related Documents section on this page.
  • View the Summary in the Related Documents section on this page.

Proposed New Fee Adjustments

Student Fees to be Noticed for June 2024 Board Meeting

Please see the below approved fee changes from our April 2024 Council on Academic Affairs meetings. As required, increases in fees must be noticed and available for review for 28 days before being submitted to our District Board of Trustees for final approval and prior to fees being charged to students. After 28 days and Board approval, the applicable fee will be added to the cost of the student fees. We will also notice any fee decreases as part of our effort to examine and address student fees throughout academic programs.

The following was approved at the April 2024 CAA meeting and will be reviewed at the next District Board of Trustees meeting scheduled for June 18, 2024

Fees for Review

NUR 1006L, Fundamentals of Nursing/ADN Transition

Rationale: Updated lab fees for the student skills kits to ensure students receive appropriate lab supplies.

Special Fees Revision

  • From:   $134.00
  • To:        $129.00
  • Effective: 2025-1

NUR 1021L, Fundamentals of Nursing

Rationale: Updated lab fees for the student skills kits to ensure students receive appropriate lab supplies.

Special Fees Revision

  • From:   $145.00
  • To:        $146.50
  • Effective: 2025-1

NUR 1200L, Adult I/ADN Transition

Rationale: Updated lab fees for the student skills kits to ensure students receive appropriate lab supplies. It is only for LPN students.

Special Fees Revision

  • From:  $134.00
  • To:       $129.00
  • Effective: 2025-1

Revised Courses, Technical Credit

PRN 0000L, Fundamentals of Nursing/PN

Rationale: Updated lab fees for the student Skills Kits to ensure students receive appropriate lab supplies. It is only for LPN students.

Special Fees Revision:

  • From:  $64.00
  • To:       $60.00
  • Effective: 2025-1

Residents Outside of Florida and Professional Licensure (NC-SARA)

Pasco-Hernando State College (PHSC) has been approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA). NC-SARA is a voluntary, regional approach to state oversight of postsecondary distance education. Institutions that are a member of NC-SARA are authorized to provide online education to students from all SARA states.

Learn more about PHSC Professional Licensure Programs

PHSC offers numerous programs designed to prepare students to sit for licensure in Florida. Licensure in other states may vary. PHSC is required by federal law to inform you whether its programs lead to professional licensure or certification in the state in which you are located. Each program that leads to professional licensure or certification can be found below.

The college offers several degrees that are designed to lead to licensure in Florida:

Associate Degrees

Career Certificates


Applied Technology Diploma

    Student Right to Know

    Pasco-Hernando State College is pleased to provide the following information regarding our institution’s graduation/completion and transfer-out rates. The information is provided in compliance with the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. The rates reflect the graduation, completion and transfer-out status of students who enrolled during the 2007-2008 school year and for whom 150 percent of the normal time-to-completion has elapsed.

    View Reports and Learn More about Student Right to Know

    During the fall semester of 2009, 1,399 first-time, full-time, certificate or degree-seeking undergraduate students entered Pasco-Hernando State College. After three years, 32 percent of these students had graduated from our institution or completed their programs and 12 percent transferred to other higher education institutions.

    While reviewing this information, please keep the following in mind:

    All graduation rates are based upon three years of attendance which equates to 150 percent of the normal completion time.

    These charts do not identify the reasons why our students withdrew; therefore, students who withdrew for personal or medical reasons are included.

    Graduation and transfer-out rates do not include students who left school to serve in the armed forces or on official church missions or with a foreign aid service of the federal government, or students who died or were totally and permanently disabled.

    View the Student Right to Know document in the Related Documents section on this page.

    In addition, Pasco-Hernando State College has identified additional student achievement measures appropriate to our mission, strategic plan, programs, and the students we serve. This information is provided in compliance with the requirements of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

    View PHSC's Key Student Achievement Indicators in the Related Documents section on this page.